Jenis-Jenis Surat Bisnis dalam Bahasa Inggris



Concept of Business Correspondence/Communication

1.      Apology Letter

This letter is a letter used to apologize for mistakes that have been made. This letter must be written honestly, using smooth language, and written with all humility to admit mistakes that have been made.

2.      Confirmation Letter/Letters of Receipt/Acknowledgment Letter

This letter is a type of formal and brief letter. This letter is used to provide confirmations such as meeting schedules, booked accommodation, and transportation, letters or

documents that have been received.

3.      Inquiry Letter

In general, this letter is a letter used to request information about the goods or services offered in more detail. But, this letter is not always related to requests for information. It could be requested regarding work or others.

4.      Thank You Letter

This letter aims to strengthen business relations. With this letter, we state that we are delighted to be working with him. Usually, this letter is written after the proposal is accepted, when someone is willing to attend a seminar or thank the volunteers who helped us during the event.

5.      Sales Letter

This letter is used to introduce our products to new clients and customers. When presenting a product, it is important to know the problems that customers face. Then we offer our product as a solution to the problem.

6.      Reply to request for information

Replying to business letters is very important. Customers who are interested in our products are the best business prospects for us. Therefore, we must learn how to thank the customer. We also have to provide more information related to our products to potential buyers.

7.      Letter of terms and conditions of membership

When a new customer becomes a member it is very important to provide information about the terms and conditions of membership. When running a business, making this letter is commonplace.

8.      Letter of Order (Placing an Order)

This letter is used by businessmen to order goods in large quantities. Business people certainly don't want their ordered goods not in accordance with the time and aspects of the goods that have been determined. So, this letter must be made as accurately as possible according to the needs of the goods.

9.      Letter of claim or ask for compensation

Sometimes we have to make a claim for non-conforming goods or disappointing service. This letter is required to express our dissatisfaction and a statement of compensation in the form of compensation for goods or service money refund.


10.    Letters replying to claims

Great entrepreneurs must have made mistakes. Usually, we will get a letter of claim from the customer. To answer the letter of complaint, we should be able to write a letter to reply to the letter of filing a lawsuit.

11.   Job application letter

This letter is used to apply for a job in a company. This letter contains the position we are applying for, CV, and supporting data. It also contains the attitude of an applicant if he is accepted to work at the company.

12.    Letter of Complaint

This letter is used to file a complaint against goods or services. When submitting a complaint, explain your complaint with successive points politely. Polite language can reduce our anger when writing letters. The recipient of the letter will also respect us more if we can understand the mistakes that have been made.

13.    Letter of Recommendation

This letter is used to recommend someone to be accepted in a job. In writing this letter, avoid overestimating the person's abilities. The key to writing this letter is to be honest, and objective.

14.    Resignation Letter

The resignation letter must be discreet. When writing this letter, avoid words that can damage the good relationship between you and the company. Give a good reason why you stopped working. Say thank you for the job opportunity given to you. Write good wishes for the progress of your company.

15.    Notification letter not accepted for work

Usually, a businessman must send a letter of notification to someone that he has not been accepted for work. At the opening of the letter, say thank you and praise the experience he had. Then, explain in good language that he is not accepted in the position he is applying for.

16.    Declining dinner invitation

It is one of those letters that must be written carefully so as not to embarrass us. Write down your appreciation for the dinner invitation. Apologize and explain that you have other appointments so you can't attend.

17.    Reception of Gifts

It's very polite to send a thank you message for a gift we receive from someone. A Thank-you note will tell him that we appreciate the gift that has been given. Write if the gift we receive is really useful.

18.   Notification of Errors

In the process of doing business, it is not uncommon for errors to occur in the recording of documents. When that happens, we should notify the client or customer that there is an error. It is also a good idea to send a copy of the document that has been corrected.

19.    Thanks for the job recommendation

Letters we write to people who have recommended jobs to us should be polite and professional. Avoid excessive thanks. We also need to realize that we are accepted for work because of our abilities as well.


20.   Complaint reply letter (Adjustment Letter)

This letter contains an explanation regarding the previous complaint letter. This letter contains answers, responses, solutions, and apologies for the problems that occurred. This letter can also contain negotiated solutions to solve existing problems.


B.     Analyze your audience/partner in business correspondence

I assume that here I am sending a job offer letter to my work partner. I am the owner of a fabric and yarn factory. Meanwhile, my work partner has a convection company.

1.       Who is your audience?

Afil Af Idata Putri , CEO of Cleone Convection

2.       Will your audience be favorably or unfavorably disposed to what you are going to say?

I'm sure my partner will be happy with what I have to say because it involves profitable cooperation.

3.       What kinds of information will your audience expect you to supply?

As a fellow entrepreneur, I believe my partner needs information on cooperation that benefits both parties. I made a job offer with a favorable long-term deal and terms. According to the type of our company, I think we are suitable for cooperation. Through job offers, I will offer the best fabrics and yarns produced by my company to be reprocessed into high-quality apparel by Cleone Convection. I will also give a big discount on every purchase of several rolls of fabric, ensure the availability of goods in stock, and meet deadlines if there are special fabric orders during the cooperation period.

4.       How will your audience use the information you send?

My partner will use the job offer information as a consideration in deciding future business plans. Whether the cooperation offer will be approved or not. What feedback will be obtained if the cooperation is approved, and etc.  The information will be used to decide the best policy that benefits both parties.

5.       What impression do you want your letter to make on readers?

I hope that with my job offer, my partner will be interested. Thus, he will consider cooperating. Reviewing the agreement and terms I am prepared to withdraw. I hope that this will give the impression that my company is a good company that produces high-quality capital goods. So that if the cooperation is accepted, it will generate big profits for both parties.


C.      Write business correspondence with your partner.

1.      My Company Profile –Afreshia Laffintha Asmy

Company name

: PT. Alister


Jalan Hassanudin No. 31, Donomulyo

   Kab. Malang 65167 Indonesia


(0341) 6311289/


: Textile


: Yarn and fabric

2.      My Partner’s Company Profile –Afil Af Idata Putri

Company name

: Cleone Convection


Jalan Raya Desa Mronjo, Selopuro,

   Blitar, Jawa Timur, 66184 Indonesia


: Textile


: Clothes



Mronjo Village Highway, blitar, Jawa Timur 66184

Telp. (0342) 1544210         Email :

Blitar, 15 September 2021

Number : 75/SMK/III/2021

Attachment : -

Subject : Proposal On Cooperation


Madam Afreshia Laffintha Asmy

CEO of PT. Alister

Hassanudin Street No 31, Malang

Jawa Timur 65167


Dear Madam,

From the news we heard, PT. Alister has good quality fabrics. Therefore, in regards to this letter, we from Cleone Convection would like to offer business cooperation with your company as a permanent supplier for our convention. We are willing to provide prices that match the quality of the fabric of your company.

We can discuss the cooperation contract further if you are willing to agree. for the time and place of the meeting, we leave the decision to you. We hope that you are willing to accept the offer of cooperation from our company. You can contact us by phone (0342) 1544021 or by email


Thus we submit this letter. For your attention, we thank you


Yours Sincerely,



Afil Af Idata Putri

CEO of Cleone Convection



Hassanudin Street No 31, Malang, Jawa Timur 65167

Telp. (0341) 6311289

Malang, 17 September 2021


No                 : 001/S4.2/SMA/III/2021

Subject        : Reply to Cooperation Offer


Madam Afil Af Idata

CEO of Cleone Convection

Mronjo Raya Street

Blitar 66184


Dear Madam,

         We thank you for the cooperation offer that you have submitted via letter number 75/SMK/III/2021 on September 15, 2021, ago.

In connection with the offer of cooperation from you to become a regular client for the production of fabrics from our company, we decided to accept the offer of cooperation.

As for further discussion regarding the cooperation agreement and contract, please attend the meeting with our production team on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, at 09.00 WIB in the meeting room on the 3rd floor of PT. Alister


Thus we convey this reply letter, for your attention and good service, we thank you.




Yours sincerelly,


Afreshia Laffintha Asmy

CEO of PT. Alister




Mronjo Village Highway, blitar, Jawa Timur 66184

Telp. (0342) 1544210         Email :

Blitar, 20 September 2021

Number : 76/SMK/III/2021

Attachment : -

Subject : Fabric Order


Production Manager of PT. Alister

Hassanudin Street No 31, Malang

Jawa Timur 65167


Dear Sir or Madam,

To follow up the business cooperation between PT. Alister and Clone Convection, we would like to order one roll of toyobo fabric from PT. Alister. We also asked for the fabric to be delivered within one week because the fabric was used to make clothes for an important event. We also apologize because the order we submitted was very sudden. This is because our other supplier ran out of stock of the fabric and just confirmed it today.

we hope to get a reply from you soon to confirm the availability of fabric stock and delivery time. to confirm this, you can contact us by phone (0342) 1544021 or by email


Thus the letter from us, we really look forward to your reply as well. for your attention, we thank you.


Yours Faithfully,



Putri Indriani

Production Manager of Cleone Convection




Hassanudin Street No 31, Malang, Jawa Timur 65167

Telp. (0341) 6311289


Malang, 21 September 2021


No                 : 002/S4.2/SMA/III/2021

Subject        : Reply to Special Order “Toyoto Fabric”


Madam Putri

Production Manager of Cleone Convection

Mronjo Raya Street

Blitar 66184


Dear Madam,

         We thank you for the first order that Madam conveyed through letter number 76/SMK/III/2021 on September 20, 2021.

In connection with your order that is one roll of Toyoto fabric. Previously, we apologize, we were able to fulfill the order for one roll of Toyoto fabric but were unable to deliver it on September 27, 2021.  Due to an overload order for the same fabric for this week from another convection, I beg you to give us an additional three days. As for, this fabric is a unique fabric that takes a longer time to produce than other fabrics. So we expect to be able to ship a roll-off Toyoto fabric by September 30, 2021. We will do our best to produce as soon as possible.


Thus we make this reply letter, We are happy to wait for confirmation. Thank you.





Yours sincerelly,


Lalisa Titi

Production Manager Secretary




Mronjo Village Highway, blitar, Jawa Timur 66184

Telp. (0342) 1544210         Email :

Blitar, 22 September 2021

Number : 77/SMK/III/2021

Attachment : -

Subject : Fabric Order Corfirmation


Mrs. Lalisa Titi

Production Manager Secretary of PT. Alister

Hassanudin Street No 31, Malang

Jawa Timur 65167


Dear Mrs. Lalisa,

Follow up on your reply letter regarding the availability of toyobo fabric in your company. We decided to send the fabric stock that PT. Alister still has first, it could be half roll or one third roll. This is due to the complexity of the dress model, so our production team had to immediately sew the shirt.

We hope that PT. Alister can ship existing fabric stock as soon as possible. For further confirmation, please contact us by phone (0342) 1544021 or by email


That's our confirmation letter. We are waiting for further confirmation from you as soon as possible. For your attention, we thank you


Yours Sincerely,



Putri Indriani

Production Manager of Cleone Convection




Hassanudin Street No 31, Malang, Jawa Timur 65167

Telp. (0341) 6311289



Malang, 23 September 2021


No                 : 003/S4.2/SMA/III/2021

Subject        : Confirmation Letter


Madam Putri

Production Manager of Cleone Convection

Mronjo Raya Street

Blitar 66184


Dear Madam,

         In connection with the letter numbered 77/SMK/III/2021, we thank you for your understanding.

Regarding your request for Toyoto fabric, we have confirmed it with our production team. We agree to send Toyota fabrics periodically. After reviewing fabric availability, we can confirm that we will ship half a roll of Toyota fabric by September 24, 2021. We will confirm the rest as soon as possible. If possible, we will try to send the rest on September 29, 2021.


Thus we make this letter, we thank you for your attention.


Yours sincerelly,


Lalisa Titi

Production Manager Secretary


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